NW Adventures,  Maps & GPS Tracks

Buckhead Mountain 6-30-24

Buckhead Mountain…
Since moving up to High Prairie, we’ve seen this high point with a few rock outcroppings on it, from the west side of our home. So, Sunday we set off to explore it.

We started from the Alpine Trail Trailhead #1, as it’s called on the Gaia map. This trail is a multi-use trail, but looks like it’s used mostly by mountain bikes. We hiked the trail to the north end of Buckhead’s north ridge, then went cross-country up the north ridge to the base of the south outcropping. We scrambled up a grassy ledge system to the top. We took a short break here to enjoy the views. Next, we walked the summit ridge till we hit the BM (button marker) on the north outcropping, which is not the high point of Buckhead Mountain. The high point was a treed spot, with no views, along the summit ridge. Next we scrambled down to tag the third and final outcropping. The views off all three outcroppings were awesome. Our new home is only 3.7 miles to the east (as the crow flies).

Fun explore of an area we can see from our back deck. Also, another great day outside with my lovely wife, Deb.

A view of Buckhead Mountain from the back deck of our new home on High Prairie…

Starting out on the Alpine Trail, a popular mountain bike trail…

…also part of the Eugene to Pacific Crest trail.

First view through the trees. Diamond Peak in the distance…

Off trail…

Summit of the south outcropping…

A view of the area called High Prairie. If you know where to look, you can see our new home…

Along the summit ridge…

Summit of the North outcropping and the BM…

Back on the trail…

Our track…

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