Took a break from thrashing canyons to get some elevation. Saturday looked mostly dry so I did a good hike up to both Nasty Rocks. A good conditioner that passes below the Chemeketan Nasty Rock, and then on to the summit of the USGS Nasty Rock.
Only tracks I saw today were Bunny and Bobcat tracks…
On the ridge…4200′ Several inches of crunchy snow…
First look at the Chemeketan Nasty Rock…
Looking at the boulder field I have to traverse…Ugh! The USGS Nasty Rock and Burnt Mountain in the distance…
Alot of the ridge between the two Nasty Rocks is like this…
Looking up at the summit of the USGS Nasty Rock…
Rooster Rock (left) and Table Rock…
From the summit looking at my route up and along the ridge…
Back over the boulder field…Ugh!
Many peaks to see…Mother Load, Silver King Mtn, Sisi Butte, Whetstone Mtn, Battle Ax, Mount Jefferson, and Mount Beachie…
Cool chockstone on the Chemeketan Nasty Rock…
Some type of larva…just waiting to be eaten by a bird…
Battle Ax and Mount Jefferson…and if you know where to look you can see Phone Booth Rock on the eastern crag of Mt Beachie…