Need to train for an upcoming event, so Deb and I decided on a 23 mile x 8200’ gain route. We’d call this day Sufferfest Sunday I
Left the truck at 5:00am and got back to the truck at 6:00pm. Up to tag both Nasty Rocks, then on to the Whetstone Jawbone loop.
Wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. The weather stayed dry for us too…
A great line up of old cascade peaks as well as the newer ones, Mt Washington, and the Three Sisters…
From Nasty Rock (USGS), Mount Jefferson and Battle Ax…
From Nasty Rock, looking back at our route…
Between hikes, back at the truck…looking at an additional 14+ miles…Good, she’s still smiling 🙂
From the Whetstone trail, looking across the Gold Creek drainage at the Chemeketan Nasty Rock…
Deb in her element, the forest…
Crossing Battle Ax Creek…