NW Adventures,  Maps & GPS Tracks

Beachie Battle Ax Loop 8-10-24

Mount Beachie/Battle Ax Loop…

Always a good one, when we are in the area. Had a nice weekend at our cabin in Detroit. While there we drove up to Elk Lake and did the Beachie Battle Ax Loop hike, which includes the scramble route up to the east summit of Mount Beachie.

Good day outside with Deb.

Deb, at the base of Sharp Tooth Rock…

Looking back at the NE ridge and Battle Ax.

Heading up to Phone Booth Rock…

Looking down at Giebeler Lake…

Looking back at Phone Booth Rock. Named that because back in the day, when I would spend a couple weeks at Elk Lake, I’d run up that rock, because that was the only place around with cell reception…so I could call the office and check in 🙂

The key hole, looks down into the Battle Ax Creek drainage…

From the true summit of Mount Beachie, looking at the craggy east summit of Beachie…

Battle Ax’s Ear Hole Cave… Been there done that.

From half way up Battle Ax, looking down at Elk Lake.

When we were up on Beachie/Battle Ax, the Thunder Mountain fire was just starting, which is now known as the Sandstone Fire. I can’t understand why there are multiple starts so far apart from each other.

Summit of Battle Ax… Remnants of a fire lookout.

Looking over the Bull of The Woods Wilderness…

Looking down at the NE ridge of Mount Beachie.

Sooo many berries. We both ate so many we walked away with a belly ache…

The day’s track…

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