NW Adventures,  Maps & GPS Tracks

Sawtooth Mountain Loop 7-28-24

Sawtooth Mountain Loop…

Deb picked this one, and what a great pick! Even though the mosquitos were in full force and the smoke was thick, this was a fun scramble peak. The 360 deg far-away views were hidden by the smoke, but we were still able to see enough to say this peak is worth another trip. Next time maybe combine it with Cowhorn Mountain for some big mileage and elevation. Today’s route took us through some nice forests and beautiful meadows. At this elevation, it still looked like late spring with the wildflowers.

Near the top of Sawtooth it turns into volcanic rock, complete with the clean basalt summit blocks. There is nothing more than class three scrambling, with lots of exposed views along the way.

Fun loop, with my lovely wife, Deb.

Less than an hour into the hike, we arrive at Indigo Lake, at the base of Sawtooth Mountain. Looking up at Sawtooth, I wasn’t that impressed…that would later change.

Passing by several meadows where it looked like late spring…

Now I see where the name of the peak comes from…

The summit ridge is looking much more interesting…

One of many lightning fires in the Diamond Complex. We are thinking it’s the Ooya Fire…

Anyone that’s climbed the Central Oregon volcanos, recognizes this terrane…

From the summit of Sawtooth Mtn, Diamond Peak in the smoky distance, only 9.7 miles away. Indigo Lake directly below. Timpanogus Lake a bit further out, then Summit Lake in front of Diamond Peak…

Diamond Peak and Summit Lake…

Cowhorn Mountain in the distance, and one of the saw teeth in front…

40′ to 50′ pinnacle down below…looks like a black squirrel…

Watching the smoke fill the canyon we will be descending…time to go!

Today’s route…

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